33 research outputs found

    Towards an infinitary logic of domains : Abramsky logic for transition systems

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    We give a new characterization of sober spaces in terms of their completely distributive lattice of saturated sets. This characterization is used to extend Abramsky's results about a domain logic for transition systems. The Lindenbaum algebra generated by the Abramsky finitary logic is a distributive lattice dual to an SFP-domain obtained as a solution of a recursive domain equation. We prove that the Lindenbaum algebra generated by the infinitary logic is a completely distributive lattice dual to the same SFP-domain. As a consequence soundness and completeness of the infinitary logic is obtained for a class of transition systems that is computational interesting

    An evolutionary approach to time constrained routing problems

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    Routing problems are an important class of planning problems. Usually there are many different constraints and optimization criteria involved, and it is difficult to find general methods for solving routing problems. We propose an evolutionary solver for such planning problems. An instance of this solver has been tested on a specific routing problem with time constraints. The performance of this evolutionary solver is compared to a biased random solver and a biased hillclimber solver. Results show that the evolutionary solver performs significantly better than the other two solvers

    Comparative metric semantics for concurrent Prolog

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    AbstractThis paper shows the equivalence of two semantics for a version of Concurrent Prolog with non-flat guards: an operational semantics based on a transition system and a denotational semantics which is a metric semantics (the domains are metric spaces). We do this in the following manner. First a uniform language L is considered, that is a language where the atomic actions have arbitrary interpretations. For this language we define an operational and a denotational semantics, and we prove that the denotational semantics is correct with respect to the operational semantics. This result relies on Banach's fixed point theorem. Techniques stemming from imperative languages are used. Then we show how to translate a Concurrent Prolog program to a program in L by selecting certain basic sets for L and then instantiating the interpretation function for the atomic actions. In this way we induce the two semantics for Concurrent Prolog and the equivalence between the two semantics